Monday, April 24, 2006

backs!! INTIMA conference ended, successful i think

i'm back!! no new long post yet though.. still got to entertain friends from inti college malaysia and inti college subang jaya.

throughtout this conference i really have learnt a lot of things, pictures will come later after i edit and rescale.

since this is my blog, i want to thank my organizing team of intima inti college sarawak(isck) and also sao office staffs for helping me organize such a wonderful event and making sure that it is a successful ones. hey, there were quite a few of good comments rite..

student leaders of inti college malaysia(icm), inti college subang jaya(icsj), international college indonesia medan(icim), inti college indonesia jakarta(icij), inti international college of penang(iicp) and metropolitan college, thank you very much. you guys were an awesome bunch, crazy and fun. i'm really thankful to have known you all. oi shah alam! you know who u are *bluek* :p

ok. i really got to go slp liaw, need to go jogging with jason them later.. not enough sleep later i peng roadside.:P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ziling-->> I am not shah alan yong sui! I am the beauty from Shah alam!

12:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vera --

Nice blog, Thanks again for great INTIMA Conference... still waiting for the photos yeah? Didnt have a camera and already forgetting the beautiful people I met (what they looked like not the experience.. was fantabulous!)

Ciao, Cool Vera:-)

9:43 AM  

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