Saturday, May 06, 2006


this is going to be a rather short post. i've done some things that i'm not proud off. it sucks now. and having screw things up, problems will arise and thus i've landed myself in very very boiling hot soup.

i would like to apologize to everyone who has gotten involved in my selfish actions. u know who you are, the rest of u guys who are reading this but dono anything, sorry, i'm not going to tell u guys anything.

wad seemed like a good action in the beginning turned out to be disaster. i'm sorry. i'm nothing but a selfish, useless, asshole, (insert every bad word u can think off) person. wad i did or said isnt supposed to turn out this way. but due to misunderstanding, miscommunication, (insert excuses) it is wad it is now.

wad makes me a bigger asshole is that i dragged a friend into this mess. wad ever happened to my moral values. i lost touch with one of my life's princip- 'friends first before anything else'. oh God, forgive me and guide me out of this dark dark small chamber.

I dont expect u guys to forgive me, hate me for at least a bit. dont bee too nice to me. i'm not worthy.

before i go.. i would like to say again, I'M SO SO SORRY!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Yew Inn,

Let bygone be bygones. The most important thing is that you've known your mistakes and willing to change.

It's really courageous of you to take that step to apologize and realise your mistakes (for whatever it is).

Don't ever doubt yourself because you are still a great friend. Just sometimes, humans do make mistakes..

1:13 PM  
Blogger CY's Paradise said...

now i noe wat happen, U hav d courage to apologize, so dun feel bad abt it...also, not every1 dare to say "sorry"..the whole incident shows tat u're a RESPONSIBLE person as u willing to take the responsibility for wat u did ..I'M PROUD OF U!

*humans do make mistakes..

9:01 PM  
Blogger oink said...

yo! :D

3:46 PM  

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